Friday, January 21, 2011


Jan. 20, 2011- Living near VAFB we are accostomed to seeing rocket launches.  The low rumble that makes you feel like maybe it is an earthquake.. the pinpoint of light at the end of the rocket and the beginning of the vapor trail. It is spectacular no matter how many times you see it.  So today, there was a launch of a Delta Heavy rocket.  The largest rocket to ever be launched at Vandenburg.  We were all anticipating it. How loud would it be?  How much more rumble? How much more spectacular?  Well... it was kind of disappointing!  We had just finished up work and I was walking back to my car.  My camera was in the car (a few blocks away) so I pulled out my cell phone.  I stood at a good viewing place and waited... the rocket was pretty far up in the sky by the time I saw it.  It had been a relatively silent launch.  No noise, no rumble.  Just a rocket trail.  I tried to get a picture with my cell phone, but the angle to the sun just made the picture useless.  I got back to my car and pulled out my camera and snapped this picture of the vapor trail.

Tim was told that the "noise level" or lack thereof, was due to the rocket using liquid fuel instead of the normal solid rocket fuel.  Whatever the reason, it was kind of a let down.


~BridgetL~ said...

well maybe a let down for those who are use to it, but I would have been in awe. We live near Nellis and I just love hearing the jets fly over. Not the same as a rocket. but cool in itself.

Mom and Mimi said...

We hurried home from town, getting here at'd e-mailed us that the launch time was 2:08, so I fired up the computer and typed in the address for the website you e-mailed this morning....and it kept telling me that it couldn't download that particular site....meanwhile, Dad turned on the television and started going up the channels...just at 2:08, he hit CNN, and by gosh, there was the launch, in all its' glory! So I turned off the computer and we watched the rest of it on t.v.! It really LOOKED spectacular, but I can remember how loud the little rockets were, so I would imagine that the lack of 'roar' on the 'biggest ever fired at Vandenberg would have been disappointing, to you old-timers. The "little" rockets were loud enough to get your attention, that's for sure! Anticipating the roar of a BIG one would be half the fun....

Lynn said...

I think it would be very cool to see something like that!

Traci said...

That is so cool!